Saturday, 6 November 2010
Die het andere uiteinde van de meest voor de hand liggende kenmerken van goudblond haar
wind. Hoewel er niet veel tussen henzelf en wind, maar aardige indruk van de Landwind, was hij een van die eerlijk en wat er verwacht wordt van de studenten. Het lijkt vandaag de dag worden een gunst tegen weinig kosten, door de manier waarop je een held!"Je gaf me deze zoon van een teef stoppen!" Xiao Yu is een ervaren zijn vet verrassing, heel onbeschaamd een groep mensen op het TV-drama is vervloekt luid.Yu Xiao schok voor de stem van mensen te horen zijn verrast een moment, zijn ogen vielen op hetzelfde moment bang Xiao Yu is lichaam."Ik *! Me om te zijn wie is kid je niet genoeg speelt gisteren is het niet?" De menigte plotseling van een persoon, die het andere uiteinde van de meest voor de hand liggende kenmerken van goudblond haar, en hij was gisteren yu Xiao bende gevechten die vijf mensen schokte de Huangmaoxiaozi. Yu Xiao schok gisteren ook sloegen hem meerdere klappen, maar hij lijkt te zien de toestand van vandaag doet er niet toe."Ik heb niet genoeg te spelen, is niet genoeg voor u om te spelen!" Shaw zei iets onbeschoft schok Yu."Je vermoord!" Uiteindelijk Jimmy Choo Sandals Huangmaoxiaozi schokfront Xiao Yu maakte een gebaar, we weten allemaal dat dit is bedoeld om handen. Inmiddels is er een groep mensen volgden langzaam Huangmaoxiaozai schok voor de Xiao Yu dichterbij.Terwijl iedereen was bang, maar moeten Xiao Yu, toen hij plotseling werd omgeven door te schreeuwen: "Stop!""Jongen, je spijt van? Uw moeder nu spijt te laat is!" Huangmaoxiaozi woede jimmy choo hevig gezegd.Xiao Yu bang glimlach, zei: "Ik heb er geen spijt van, maar te veel mensen hier en uit, denk je niet dat we het veranderen in een bar dat niemand in het steegje!"gesproken woorden Xiao Yu is verrassing voor iedereen door verrassing, maar het is ook de beste hoop in de harten van mensen, heb in de scholen weten dat het erg lastig ding."Ik vertrouw op! Je echt niet leven en dood te leren kennen! Ben jij gaat spelen?" Huangmaoxiaozai schreeuwen de zin gezegd."Je komt met mij!" Uiteindelijk Xiao Yu keek niet eens bang van andere mensen kijken en liep naar een andere baan."Shit! Volg hem. De man met ook!" Huangmaoxiaozai keek een briesje gezegd.Glazen met een beetje wind, de menigte volgde onder de stress geschokt Xiao Yu naar een ander klein steegje.Xiao Yu bang van dit kleine steegje naar geweld op school is pesten op de beste plek om moleculen. Want dit is een doodlopende steegje aan beide zijden zijn muren, geen huizen, maar de boom heeft een lange
Hij wacht op de middagpauze
down, ah!"Als ik zei dat ik de bank? ,Iets Shock Xiao Yu is gezicht op dit moment blootgesteld trots van kleur."Als je kunt Porter is werk te doen dat ik dankzij moet je als leraar, ik was een student!" In de ogen van Ru Xiao Qin Yu gewoon bang om het werk van portiers doen, Porter is werk voor de scnes die ze te zien voor, is een ding die op de kilo is van de spullen verscheept over het verleden. En Xiao Yu bang hoe kan dingen oppakken op de pond."Nou, ik zal vanmiddag, wanneer de leraar kan gaan naar het magazijn om mijn kleine Noord-monitor te doen!" Op dit moment paniek Xiao Yu heeft zijn eigen plaats Jimmy Choo Boots van het werk goed willen zijn.Ru Qin niet denken hoe dit gesprek eigenlijk is het resultaat van hun favoriete studenten daadwerkelijk aan Porter doen, maar de woorden zijn gezegd een dergelijke mate kan alleen de kogel en hun overeengekomen bijten.Een gesprek tussen docenten en studenten om deze te be?indigen. Xiao Yu shock na zijn terugkeer in de klas ligt nog steeds op de tafel om te slapen. Xiao Yu verbazing waarom liggen op de tafel een ochtend heeft hij maar een doel. Hij wacht op de middagpauze, omdat hij weet dat de middagpauze op school te pesten zijn man-die vaak geblokkeerd op de school poort zal een klein steegje in de bescherming van de honoraria aan de andere studenten. Tegen die tijd, en dat ze kunnen worden het schandelijk, en laat hen weten dat de vorige levens van de machtige onsterfelijke."Xiao Yu bang, ik niet begrijp deze vraag juiste manier, je geeft me korte tweede?" Weg van school is middags en schudde de laatste uitsparing Chen Yu Xiao Yao verrassing voor hem en vroeg, maar haar ware doel en geen probleem, maar uiteindelijk willen weten hoe de Yu-Xiao bang.De schok Xiao Yu Chen en Yao maakte geen gebruik van de slaap te voorkomen. Chen Yao, maar hij gaf geen antwoord, indien gevraagd, maar serieus: "Chen Yao U zegt dat voor wat we leren?"Chen Yao verrast een moment en dan is hij gedacht aan direct zei: "Natuurlijk, toegelaten tot een goede universiteit te kunnen om een goede baan hebben, dus we kunnen meer geld verdienen!""Wat als nu kun je een heleboel geld dat je zal blijven naar school gaan?"Xiao Yu is woorden eigenlijk bang om Chen Yao vroeg geschokt. "Dit is ... ... Heb je nu een baan?" Grote ogen Chen Yao is te kijken naar een knipoogje van een knipoogje van verbazing Xiao Yu vroeg verbaasd."Ja, ik ga nu aan het werk!""Wat? Maand, hoeveel geld?""Porter! Verdien een maand heb ik weet niet hoe veel!"Na het luisteren naar de woorden van Xiao Yu Chen Yao schok op de grond viel bijna op de plek. "Porter? U?" Chen Yao ogen met deze blik op een ongelooflijke schok Xiao Yu, doe een plotselinge niet eens weten wat te zeggen."Ja, ik portier te doen, de locatie is een klein Noord-magazijn! is Middags na schooltijd de leerkracht zou daar heen te gaan Later Qin me zien, als je kijkt nu op het niveau van mijn werk!" Op dat Xiao Yu,re allemaal bang opgewonden.Chen Yao zwijgen ... ...Een ochtend klasse is eindelijk voorbij, en Xiao Yu is met schok prikkelt schaamteloos komen voordat hun meest gehaat door de kleine steegje. Pull-down het lichaam Chuiyangliu hoofdstukOp dit punt is dat kleine steegje vol met mensen, maar deze mensen zijn angstige gezichten onthouden Xiao Yu. Speelde het grootste deel van zijn schot. Echter, meer mensen gelukkiger Xiao Yu bang, omdat ze wil gewoon een schoon vegen.Op dit moment deze groep mensen in een cirkel stonden rondom het centrale deel, het lijkt erop dat ze dicht bij een persoon voor bescherming. Xiao Yu schok kan duidelijk zien door de menigte omringd was de man eruit ziet. En deze ongelukkige klasse van mensen is in feite hun eigen land
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Appeler pour voir comment cela s
g Ta?shu entendu son gmissement de chien, l,tage a disparu, tout d,abord embrass son chien Vrifiez encore une fois, cette fois le chien a t bonne lentement, avec l,esprit. Zhang a t Ta?shu un soupir de soulagement, et alors seulement de trouver c?t de la microChang, voir: "Oh, Sally retour Vous ne vois pas comment la question jimmy choo sale des taches solaires?"Cheung Kin sourire micro: "Oui ah Zhangda Shu, je viens de voir l,appeler pour voir comment cela s,est pass, le rsultat a t presque mordu par les taches solaires."Rao est Zhang Ta?shu peau paisse, le visage tait rouge pour un moment. Son chien a t mordu par Zhang voir micro5, et en cas de morsure une fois de plus, il regrette. ?C,est trange, les taches solaires a t trs bonne sant, comment peuton!" Il est Jimmy Choo Wedges un peu timide, Jimmy Choo Boots et se hata de changer de sujet.?Rassurezvous, on va le laisser devenir un chien mort!", Dit une voix tout coup c?t, ont conduit les trois main personnels Rattus drive tube souvenirs, jeta la marche plus.Voir microvu Zhang Rattus de conna?tre non: Ce mec est vraiment la recherche d,un combat. Mais ici il ya dix de sa voiture quelques pas, la chose la plus importante est Rattus menant aux trois hommes, l,entouraient faible, tout simplement rouge n,est pas le pass. Il n,avait pas le choix, mais l,autre lentement Zhangda Shu et son chien dmnag dans le pass.Zhang Ta?shu pas un imbcile, et il a vu quatre hommes vtus Liuliliuqi, les mains tenant un tube, je sais pas une bonne chose, voir aussi Zhang voir dplacer vers le c?t un peu, je sais qu,il est la recherche des ennuis . Il se leva, pale demanda: "Oh tu vas faire"Rattus tte penche, seulement pour voir le microrecherche Zhang, impatient de Zhang Ta?shu a dclar: ?sortir, ce n,tait pas ce que vous faites, ne veux pas mourir rouler point."Zhang Ta?shu chien trs difficile, voir Zhang Ta?shu t menace, en fait, indpendamment de leur propre douleur, Diming hum vers Rattus quatre. Zhang Ta?shu Chongni toucher sa tte: ?Je si grand, vraiment ne roule pas, vous obtenez un je le vois." Carter, levez un pied, coup de pied de droite Rattus coeur. Rattus pris au dpourvu, a t relance voler. Il a prsent trois de l,oncle d,age moyen a enregistr une forte dbut, quittez immdiatement voir Zhang Wei, arm d,acier sur le dmoli. Ils n,ont pas peur de voir les microRan Zhang, cet espace ferm, ils ont t le guet la porte, Chang ne pouvait pas voir les microdnoyautes galement couru dans la rgion.Zhang a t surpris de voir le micro, Zhang Ta?shu plus de 40, non? La comptence est si vigoureuse, certainem
Voir microrivs voler Zhang Dieu
il ne disposs payer les frais mdicaux, les gens n,ont absolument pas passer un cheveu de son chien.Voir microXing Zhang press de sortir, il a ouvert les modles Chery gnral est que, parce qu,il est toujours le secret d,oiseau avions d,attaque, afin de ne pas appeler cinq sinus. Les cinq sont toujours sous enqute Dragon aider les sinus, et parfois ne sont pas conscients voir fiches microout. Zhang voir une porte lgrement, il a t constat dans Rattus, il tait fier de: "Boy, cette fois on ne peut pas courir!" Texte mouches quatrevingts Dieu 2MicroXing Zhang press de voir son ancienne place dans le temps, boueux Je ne sais pas a t avec les deux voitures derrire lui, il tait toujours penser la fa?on de donner jimmy choo un beau morceau de chiens mchants! Le Rattus dj notifi leur voiture avec deux autres frres dans les rangs.Rapidement l,endroit, c,est l que Zhang voir microabjection, d,o il est difficile d,oublier. Aprs tout, il est pris dans un basaltiques ici. Tout ici est toujours le mme, Zhang avait cru voir la microhouse avant d,acheter location bas, mais il a travaill dur souvenirs, je me souviens de la fin n,a pas vcu un batiment.Zhang Ta?shu chien est couch sur la porte latrale c?t de la zone, se prlassant au soleil paresseux, en apparence trs inoffensive. Cependant, beaucoup de gens seulement par son look vous tromper ce son, et donc il est mordu sur le point lorsque le c?ur ne peux pas croire cela est le morceau de paresseux, apparemment encore un petit chien mignon.Voir micro de petites mouches Zhang jou un r?le trs significatif au nom ?voler Dieu", bien s?r, il n,avait pas d,autre sens, il suffit de penser une blague intressante, en disant que la dynastie des Jin Di Qin et Wang Meng, qui la fin principale du Fujian runion, les rsultats confidentiels, sur un vol a atterri, Fujian, qui est venu le lendemain, le contenu des runions secrtes, Fujian mouches ont montr que Dieu dit rvler son secret voler. Donc, il a jou un tel nom, peut tre considr comme une histoire de celuici. Secrtement, il a fix l,objectif d,un chien d,attaque, puis ouvrir la fentre, les mouches bourdonnaient s,envoler de Dieu, je ne sais pas ce alla droit au chien que l,on appelle vicieux.Voir microrivs voler Zhang Dieu, je l,ai vu chez un chien encerclant un nez de chien et ensuite lentement baiss, puis un arrt nonstop, vol direct de retour. pas au courant de ce que les autres mouches de voler en arrire pour voir la microvoiture Chang Cur, des lamentations est entendu saut puis tomba sur le montant, s,est rveill aprs une demiminute, et est un spasme grave, gmissement de douleur.Voir Micro Photo ne peut pas supporter de voir quelquesuns ici, c,est tout simplement de mauvais traitements, ah, mon c?ur conservs dans le regret. jimmy choo sale Il a appel le basalte: ". Old Turtle, les mouches n,y fa?on attaque de dsintoxication de Dieu" basaltiques il est entr dans la pense des problmes, il continu lui demander, jusqu, ce que le chien Zhang voir n,est que lgrement, a dclar: ?Eh bien, peur Tuer n,est pas jouer de mon tre s?r de ne pas l,homme ah exprience, cette toxine est trs douloureux, n,a pas de mdicaments au niveau de la Terre est rsoluble, mais dans la tte pour soulager les lavages l,eau. "Zhang a pris une bouteille de l,eau minrale de la voiture voir le micro, le chien marchait c?t de cette douleur, avec un jet de salive et il a pouss vers le bas. Cette Goucai amliore lentement, mais voir Cheung Kin micro se leva la fois froce, mais pour la douleur a disparu, estim un pour mordre les rangs.Zhang voir rapidement les microsaut, a t secrtement sourire: ". Effectivement, ou que ah chien de manire vicieuse, un peu ingrate? A ce moment la douleur Zhan
Peut provoquer une absence de courte dure
x, les serpents ont peur de nous qu,ils sont Boss ne veux pas semer le trouble, et maintenant je l,intimidation, le patron doit parler me donner?."Black le voirdire, ne rien dire. Ils ont conduit un Poussin alls un endroit prs de la Jimmy Choo Boots porte principale points stare basaltiques, Rattus pris son parti, appel lui semblent lgrement Zhang voir beau.Cheung Kin basaltiques micro leurs propres ides et parler un peu, basaltic,d sans engagement, ce genre de choses est trs faible, il peut tre changer le motif de le faire, il a fait quelques dessins pour l,usine de traitement automatis, et bient?t, mme l,expdition n,ont pas. Zhang He, voir Micro, a dclar: ?Ouvrez la fentre d,attente pour lui, bient?t." Zhang voir rapidement ouvert la fentre lgrement, afin de rpondre aux chasseurs peu.Attendez une demiheure, une petite mouche la mouche de l,extrieur, Zhang tendit la main pour voir encore et encore microsalutation: ?Viens, vole venir moi" Malheureusement, cette oiseau qui ne l,coutez pas, a Il a vol un demipain restes de manger et de boire. Voir Micro sur basaltiques Zhang se plaint: "Old Turtle, vous avez dlibrment, droite, comment ne me laisse pas prendre un bon aper?u!" Il a pens manger du pain basaltiques dlibrment contre les mouches, il poursuit ainsi son sens de la ralit.rire basaltiques, un bon moment, a dclar: ?Boss, vous tes intressant, ce n,est vraiment voler!"Cheung Kin micro furieux: ?Eh bien, la vieille tortue, Alors maintenant vous me voyez rire ah!"?Comment, Qui ne vous me demandez!" Basaltiques rire.Cheung Kin voix micro.Aprs un certain temps, et une mouche a vol vers le microChang, voir Chang peu prudente de la basaltiques voir: ?La vieille tortue, cela est vrai, droite"Basaltiques sourire frmissante: ?C,est vrai!"Zhang voir la petite mouche a lgrement baiss la main, il pinc avec deux doigts, avec soin, et pas vraiment diffrent en ralit, se sent juste bien se sentir et tre diffrents. Pas le genre de nauses. Si ce n,est pas pris en charge et ne peut pas vraiment la distinction entre vrai et faux.Basalte, a dclar: "Ceci est fait en fonction de vos ides hors de lui, il ya 5 pices buccales aiguille, qui perfusion, alors Jimmy Choo Pumps vous pouvez atteindre l,effet toxique toi Mais nous n,avons pas le genre de trs toxique, alors maintenant il irrigation. Le est une neurotoxine, peut provoquer une absence de courte dure, et c,est la douleur. soutenu par 20 minutes. "Voir Micro Salut Zhang a dclar: ?Il est devenu, bon, je suis la recherche de quelque chose d,un peu d,exprience."Basaltiques lui a rappel que ?cette petite chose peut se fixer des objectifs son attaque, l,attaquant ne peut pas contr?ler le processus, pas dconner!"Voir Micro avec Zhang a dit: ?Rassurezvous, j,ai un peu." Sur et sortit. Que peutpied pour faire des expriences, "H, oui, il a fallu chiens Zhang oiseaux Ta?shu froce, qui vous permettent Jimmy Choo H&M de toujours me mordre." Zhang Zhang Ta?shu tait avant que les voisins voir un peu, a soulev son chien froce, peu moins de 5 microChang, voir, certes, c,est un chien mchant, de ne jamais reconna?tre les gens, en dehors de ses propritaires, les riverains ont peur de lui. Mais Zhang Ta?shu look trs froce, et extrmement Chongni son chien, mme si le chien mord un homme, et
Do not know how to the outside world
silent in. A man looking at the scenery outside the pavilion, his has been spent on this mountain fourteen years, and hey! He has been isolated in general, do not know how to the outside world."Brothers and sisters, when you say what the outside world? If I dressed down the mountain will not Jiaoren this joke?" Little priest did not look back, watching the scenery continued to think of their own affairs.Chu and YANG Shu Qu look awkward, they entered the school year, not how to go out too, for the outside world, it seems very strange. Only a year ago, the memories. "Little brother, quickly go! If he is late, you have older students do not shadow boxing, the ... ..." Song of Chu transform the subject, YANG Shusmiled at him.Children are always children, and heard the word, then got up and continued walking toward the lake on the city, seems to have forgotten just asked a question.Then passes twenty minutes, and finally to the small lake to sit before the temple, the temple is empty, the temple came bursts of beat. * Tai Chi drills to. Little Taoist priest heard the beat, can not help speed up the pace to slow a lot, Jimmy Choo Wedges they are willing song Chu followed.The temple priests more than one hundred middleaged, middleaged priest of a small Taoist priest to say something, and then came back, facing the music they Chu said: "I told Big Brother, Jimmy Choo H&M following a formal practical exercise tai chi, You can only look good, do not later, they are not welcome secular human. "So saying, he hobbled down to come to the temple priests actually left a row of the stands go up."We also went to sit in it!" Song YANG ShuChu took the hand, said. The latter did not speak, but nodded to his left hand with the song stands Chu."The training began with a big brother and two brothers on the train, Big Brother can be powerful it!" Little priest explained, eyes staring at the temple center, not left.I saw one wearing a robe around the age of about four middleaged man and a middleaged man about thirty years old standing in the central grandstand. Their mutual Baoquan, a senior for a Young first one was. Two brothers fist Tough, right hand draw a circle, accelerating punch by a senior side will be toward the door hit go!Chu Qu thought how to fight back the big brother? Is Big Brother no two capable big brother? Not work that way.Fist just hit a big brother to face time, even a senior onesided headband face toward the right side, easily escaped Young is a hit. Take solid steps
However it
yesterday, too? Or I take you to have fun, to look at our Tai Chi Chuan Method ... ..." Little priests also want to go, but that there would not Shishu , this time just to have a chance."Well, here we are not familiar with, if there is little brother show you the way, that is great, however it!" Song of Chu said, thought he did not answer on just a small Taoist words, instead letting YANG Shuanswer, change the hearts of inferiority too strong a bit.I,m very happy little priest, leaving a broom, ran toward the small little old man sitting in front of the shrine. Also ran shouted: "Shishu Shishu, two visitors need me to take them to visit our Qingcheng, you see?" Just right, the old saying to the priest finished jimmy choo sale in front of it, he carefully stopped."Go Go, your kid up to now there is no intention of sweepers. I wonder why are you so big, but still so fun. Not to say that the people of our emphasis is on cultivating static air your breath, you look like this ah, I see you do forget to do hard labor Jimmy Choo Sandals ... ... "the old man spoke not open your eyes."Shishu, disciples know, the disciples came back static gas will certainly soar, close to the road to experience the law of nature ... ..." on the home theory, he seems to only know a few words. He had done speaking, they think of music in their direction and ran Chu."Big brother, go! We,ll see brothers who ... ... shadow boxing," Jimmy Choo Wedges Chu said he led them to visit the song, then he ran fast.YANG ShuChu laugh and song, thought everywhere, chips are excited, coat the edge of a slight fluctuation occurs slowly with the priest in a small back.Although very familiar with the road a small Taoist priest, and all the way to choose the path in Shanghai, but Qingchengshan always great, he wants to bring music to the founder of Chu and YANG ShuLake City Hall on the lower right corner there is the road so far. He ran ahead for a while, to the Verdant Pavilion, even a bottom side of the pavilion and sat down.They look back at Chu Qu, found that they did not seem to sweat ... ... I thought they seemed too good a little physical. "The first is about to, and I have lead the way implicate, hey!" Kind of complaining about feeling. They hear the Song of Chu.They do like paint paint Khan, said: "Indeed ah! We are sweating profusely ... ..." Little Taoist
Raised his glass Helian odd shouted
amage from the dry as well try to do. Finish the final destruction of the work, raised his glass Helian odd shouted: "to dry, after the Devil is our world!", That is if the others heard the big crash will certainly tumble, Devil, already a three-Jun the world to. All three were a little tipsy, and regardless of so much dry toast to the last cup that is not fun, Ren Tiansheng shouted: "There is no bowl, I want to big Haiwan, cup die, it says that it fit in to ... ... "do a maid like to laugh and not laugh. Ren Tiansheng exact words meaning thunder, he cried like Ma added: "Yes, for large bowl to have meat to a number of barbecue, cut large point, do quickly." "Well, well, I was hard for you today." After all this time to the eve of Murong fond of engaging manners, took off his coat, revealing a lean, mean body, then if his look, if his worship who will cause many to see some crazy. "Ice wine and ice, his younger brother undress you do, big brother I only like men." Thought for a moment that the mouth of wrong sentences, afraid of his brother from any misunderstanding, Helian Magowah the correction: "The wrong, just like big brother woman! "finished as the lighter tone in general. Drink like a fish to a row of four who has been lying is not up to date, according to line up four people sleep the ladies were all one or two too sleepy to go back to the rest room, the Villa silence. I,m very sorry, came back today because of something a bit late, she wrote a special chapter, hope you can enjoy, a lot of collection. Text first thirty-seventh chapterThe first thirty-seventh chapter Of: mask "It hurts!" Open your eyes, Ren Tiansheng leaning head was killing like this is the first he woke up feeling the pain of hangover torment him. "Si Ye, it is clear God tea, drink a bit better." Then a voice came from the side, Ren Tiansheng turned around and looked, turned out to be a glamorous maid carrying a tray with a tray made cup of tea. "Ah, brother, brother, the third brother, where they are." Prop up the body, Ren Tiansheng took the maid sitting on the bed, handing me a drink of tea, the moment an air of Jimmy Choo H&M cool down in straight sets in the stomach after tea , straight and on the red, that strikes a cool head, the pain of a hangover instantly disappeared. Strict maid replied: "Back to the Fourth Master, master uncle, Erye, Sanye already wake up the living room drinking tea now, and commanded servants to wear the clothes after the Fourth Master to your living room." "Oh, I,ll go." Ren Tiansheng put on clothes, the hand grasping the wheelchair after the longer one stays, relaxing on a wheelchair. "Ranks the fourth, you wake up ah." Saw Ren Tiansheng, Helian odd put down the cup. "Brother, brother, the third brother good morning." While the places have a good drunk, Ren Tiansheng still feel thirsty, reach for a cup of tea and a drink. "Fourth brother, I see your body Jin Rui of the gas is very heavy, if comprehension for the future will be promising." Murong infatuation has been very strange body Rentian Sheng Jin Rui, one of the five elements of air, the stone than some enlightenment The demon is also important, this is not a human should. "Or is your brother saw it, I am a different Thorens, my abilities a little bit special, so much I am a person, not as I was a natural weapon." Wheelchair, Ren Tiansheng moment the left hand of the sword blade, the body instantly became the golden skin, strengthen the efforts launched variant. "My God, although already heard of for some reason human beings will awaken their innate power, but do not think there is such a power." Obviously never thought R
" Helian odd big hand wave
nsheng immediately put down the cup. "That is good, good food and wine have been equipped with, any brother please come with me." Finish, shaking his face, folding fan with Ren Tiansheng Helian Church went to the backyard. "Any brother, waiting to be seated to fast." One to the back yard, Murong silly already in the cold waiting for this in a long time. "Since we are his brother, that with so polite." Do feel full of awkward, Ren Tiansheng has always been the kind of sloppy people. "Well, well, we are all brothers, all on large pieces of meat today, big mouth and drinking, loud talking, I start it for the King." Reach for the cup pavilion stone table wine, drink and do the odd Helian. "Big Brother are so happy, so his brother would not fall in the post." Murong infatuation also reach for a glass of wine in one gulp. "You two are straightforward Big Brother, little brother and then not even if I have to fight a drinker." Finish, Ren Tiansheng also picked up a glass of wine, drank to speak, the entrance is filled with wine and flowers, after the turn into the belly of a Unit heat, she cried: "wine." "This, however, Dreaming of my own brewing flowers today to drink any brothers, though, wine and more things." Helian odd dish of beef to eat like a down, relish chewing up. "Dreaming of Big Brother this flower, in the demon world, but a must." Murong silly pick up a glass, which looked attractive floral transparent and speckled with wine, said: "devils an expert wants to drink a numerous community, Jimmy Choo Pumps but they do not know, Big Brother, when the wine brewing, to swear that only his brother can drink this wine. " "Thanks Helian love Big Brother, if you do not mind Ren Tiansheng willing and Helian brother and brother became Murong heterosexual brothers." Silly listening to the words of Murong, Ren Tiansheng is a pig even understand the meaning of, say, two more super-patron Also not a bad thing. "Well, well, since I Helian odd addition of a good brother." Jimmy Choo Sandals Helian odd big hand wave, Black Mist flash, flowers have appeared in the courtyard of a incense table. "I, Helian odd." However, a singularity Helian incense, kneeling before the incense table. "I, Murong silly" is also infatuated with Helian odd Murong behind, the point of an incense, kneeling down. "I, either ... ..." Ren Tiansheng have not finished "Hold." Wearing a yellow casual wear, long fall from the sky like a mighty Han: "The righteous do not call me, throw me in the back, you two did not loyalty . " "I, Thunder." Thunder also ordered to kneel in a Hong Murong silly side. "I, Ren Tiansheng." Ren Tiansheng long grasping hands and an instant change in the grass, forward and said, kneeling in the Thunder side. "In the nine brothers became different, since share bliss, have difficulty with when, with good points, there are planes to play with." Four one sentence to say a vow: "If contrary, eat choke, days of thunder split, every day, bad luck and fighting never lose. " "Brother, ha ha ha ha ha ... ..." four hands grip tightly together, brothers and gold concentric with effort. "Come on, drink." Blind man can tell Helian odd, very happy, very happy. "Today is not drunk no return." Murong always infatuated with his sword, but this time his face was also smiling bloom. "Who is afraid, who is the coward who should climb down." Thunder rolled up his sleeves, a frame to dry posture. "Oh, Oh, Oh, I,m massive, definitely not my last." Ren Tiansheng hands of a stretch, in grasping the handle on the wheelchair, a wheelchair back support. The wine of endless arches, four, sometimes seen and heard talk about world, sometimes things to talk about demons sector, to the silly to the sword last Murong add to the fun for everyone to dance the sky a domineering sword, so his eye-opener, Thunder also end up seeing this show a bit, I saw a flame flew from his palm and more, to burn a spotless piece of rockery, see the two elder brothers have their own merits Ren Tiansheng also feel embarrassed by Jiujin performance a "variant of the Long Cheng Kong," odd moment Helian garden designed and culture destroyed by the three men was clean, and saw this scene, Helian strange sad lying on the table and cried, weeping bitterly . Hundreds of years of hard work destroyed by a bear, no one of them sad, and made tight after the Ren Tiansheng, Murong infatuated and thunder all around Helian odd persuasion. "Now that has been destroyed, let a little wind and rain to be more intense now." Wiped his tears, Helian odd looking flowers have dilapidated homes, with a folding fan, power strokes, a minor cyclone Pingkong the sky, place the remaining d
Now your eyes have been eye of the function
speckled with black liquid . "Faint dark fire, and the devil rob the heart, to my name, blood magic craving!" Odd Helian the index finger of the black blood flowing to the Ren Tiansheng eyes and wiped his eyes instantly Ren Tiansheng feel a force into its own body However, this force seems to sound good, but his eyes stayed quiet. "Well." Helian odd inhaling his index finger, watching Rentian Sheng said: "Brother, I have to help you with the opening of blood magic, then I,m your guide, now your eyes have been eye of the function. " "The so-called, Magic Eye, the general population of the yin and yang is your eyes, it can see through the yin and yang." Silly fear of Ren Tiansheng Murong do not understand, explain to the side. "Really good, clear a lot." Ren Tiansheng a moment to see that kind of force mobilization, Helian odd body exudes black air, and the whole body Murong silly hood air mass in a mass of dark blue. "Second, open jimmy choo shoes the door." Helian Qi Cui a Murong silly, and now he can go back to earlier, there are hundreds of beautiful children at home waiting for ourselves. "Oh, every time I have." Murong fond of the sword out of dissatisfaction, "jingle!" Soon Cui Xiang, Ren Tiansheng not see how, a black three will appear in front of the tunnel. "Please come with me, any brother." Straightened clothes, shook the folding Helian odd, a leisurely look, it seems, and his face was really the first of the slogan. "Ah, please." Ren Tiansheng wheeled into the dark tunnel, Murong silly walk in the end, he entered the tunnel, imports will disappear, Ren Tiansheng home like nothing had happened, leaving only the table paper, showing Rentian Sheng came back. "This is demon world!?" Ren Tiansheng went into the tunnel will find it all themselves, the immediate scene of the show, only with "Wonderland" to describe, I saw the flowers fill the fields open unknown, some cute little animals running across the grass to play with, clean small fish swimming in the river, the sky is covered with a purple like. "Any brothers, good bar, this is I spent a hundred years to complete." For this Scenery, Helian odd great pride, with a full one hundred years to repair their own Dong Fu. "What is the point standing here talking, back to the House cooking wine and song, like how to talk on how to talk." Murong silly bell on the hilt every move will "jingle" sound, it seems, like his signature. "Welcome to Grandpa, Erye back to the House." Edge of a waterfall just approached Hill, a young girl dressed in ancient Gongzhuang neatly arranged in two rows of the door to greet him. "Ready to drink, I and my brothers and swill SGX doubled." Nodded his head, Helian odd first went in, turn his head to the silly Murong said: "younger brother, I replace it the body of clothing, you stink about any brothers. "His face, but very good, and let him dress like that dirty stuff to accompany the guests, then that would be his life. "Please wait any brother, I replace it clothes itself." Silly Murong only feel bad today, only to be Helian odd clothes to tears and snot and ruined. "Murong brother go ahead, it does not matter." Ren Tiansheng reach for a cup to drink up, looked the way to play this manor. Section of the courtyard is full of Chinese and Western styles together, young girls wearing clothes seemingly ancient Gongzhuang, but the repair had been carefully, and flowers outside the hall is a hospital, surrounded by the maid who apparently are subject to stringent training, Ren Tiansheng just when mixed with tea, girls would put that on the table for his mixed tea pot. "Any brothers, neglect, and neglect of the." As a special preference for black, a black Helian odd for a casual, big step came over, shook his hand, look at the hundred million annoying fan. "Helian Big Brother, where the words." Ren Tia
" A little old and a sudden they stopped Ren Tiansheng row of three
ong silly chic stretched it out, made a requested position. Slowly, a pedestrian left the black street, only six were left lying on the ground handle Feijian quiet, but their owners had already gone with the wind. "Just our luck today." Three people together, they basically share the sidewalks are finished, Helian odd now extremely depressed heart, as a stately angel could be so much useless today. "Oh, Oh, Oh, not bad luck if you think I can give you a hand." Ren Tiansheng course not use the "hand of doom" to help Helian odd one. "All right, let alone, did not think the old Soke Kiyonaga to protect the sun actually pig." Helian odd that this is the most depressing thing, although both good and evil does not stand, but those old things actually went right and wrong help the sworn enemy of the nation. "Kiyonaga, who studied under disciples did not eat so much what, repair the main hall without money? As Jimmy Choo H&M long as you have enough money to enable them to these people call you father will do." For what have clean hands, Ren Tiansheng do not believe that people billion there is a pretty good. "Root of all evil money-led, alas, drug sources." Temperament of the three, will count the most Murong Chu Chen is silly, and Helian odd kind of naturally like a playboy, Rentian Sheng-even though his face, but her eyes make people feel No one in the temperature. "Stop." A little old and a sudden they stopped Ren Tiansheng row of three, making three big surprise. "No, there is so soon to revenge!?" Ren Tiansheng turned to Helian two looked odd and silly Murong, the two together and shook his head a little from this old body does not feel the magic atmosphere . "Ren Tiansheng, finally found you." Youth said immediately pulled out the waist of the sword: "Today I want to take revenge for my brother!" The soul of the original labeled as disabled by the cold, Song Castle was his big brother. "Green water, not rude." The old man seeing this, stopped the juvenile impulse, after all he is out the door handing out, not so impulsive, off the real population. "You are Ren Tiansheng it, we are a matter for the Song to the Castle Peak, and would like you to return to the temple to do some research with us." Arrives when the master of Wudang Luoshui City, when the soul has long been home to the cold, but Charles also can not find how cold the soul of the whereabouts of Wudang, had to look into the Ren Tiansheng body. "I come, I come." Helian odd shook his folding, and hurried to stand in front Rentian Sheng said: "I wanted to go with my brother, first me on to this." "Green water experience the Wudang Song!" Song finished green water will be resorted to pull out the sword, "astrotech sword", the sword fled front to Helian odd and striking. "I rely on, boy really toxic." Helian odd folding Jimmy Choo Wedges away suddenly a little green water to the song, I saw a Black Mountain is not easy to see hit the green water of the Ma Xue Song, and suddenly fell to the ground soft, Helian Magowah previous foot kick sword, facing down in a burst of fierce Song is flat green water. Today, he suffered the night air, and finally blow off steam and Le. "Stop!" The old man saw strange Helian Song is dark green water, immediately pulled out the sword, ready to rescue, only he only heard "jingle" sound, the body of a hemp several important acupuncture points, but also transport No, infuriating are also trapped in the pubic region. "Second, thank you." Out of a sweat, Helian odd for a long time have not so comfortable, and saw behind him like a stick, like the old man, revealing a demonic smile, these programs do not benefit children ... ... Text first thirty-sixth chapterThe first thirty-sixth chapter Of: mask The second morning, a certain aunt garbage and found the bodies of two appalling, fainted on the spot. After a little clean up after the old one, no way anything happens, Ren Tiansheng smooth back home, left a note, and pick up something, make a telephone call to the cold soul, told him to take care of salsa available. "Well." When done should be done after Rentian Sheng, Chen Ling is already one o,clock. "Well, I,ll help you open, brother do not move, there might be a bit painful." Finish, Helian bit odd index finger, index finger saw bright red blood is not flowing but the smell of blood
You were so upset
re enough, they were all ordinary people are different Devil." "Younger brother, you do not know any of your brother today, thanks to brother laid down his life is extended." Received a warning look silly Murong, Helian odd Annealing two steps forward, raised his hands and the innocent. "You have the nerve to say, knowing full moon night, is your most vulnerable when natal Mo Gong, also run around, the third son to find someone is still around." For the big brother, Murong silly kind of sense of frustration, the older person is really more like a child, but more and more like his nanny. "Hey, how did not see the youngest yet." Did not see their own third brother, Helian odd exceedingly strange, there are planes to fight that guy should be the Jimmy Choo Pumps fastest Yeah. "This should be your thing, too, and now back to its owner." Ren Tiansheng took out a folding fan threw Helian odd. "Boss, no wonder you asked to save, life insurance guys have given away, you were so upset." Out of the folding fan to see Ren Tiansheng, Murong fond look out for recognition, fun things looked a hundred years, handle every day, See every night, early look tired. "Uh, uh, uh, did not expect, did not expect to encounter three Maoshan School Soke." Heard the brothers blame, a little embarrassed Helian odd that he did this little mess, but face First, face first, immediately change the subject, said: "To return, either brother for saving, we drink like a fish came up to me for three days and three nights Dong Fu." "Do not mention little effort." Ren Tiansheng one, quickly postponed, salsa is still Luoshui City, do not know that Dong Fu in that place, might still have it in places like the outsider that he heard from this to the . "Any brother, you mean, is not not give me face." Really is the Magic Magic of human human, fell definitely faster than the open book, Helian odd "shabu" is heard, launched a folding fan, I saw the original fan cream painted a Samuume game map, then turned into a "face first" four characters. "Khan ... ..." looked at the situation, if you do not agree, Ren Tiansheng think it may have no peace of mind since the day before, plus the other clearly Jimmy Choo Boots not malicious, but he reported that the last hope, look Murong silly, I hope he can persuade advised Helian odd. "Today is stars, it is beautiful." Murong get silly answers, Ren Tiansheng not help while depressed, and today there are stars that, obviously only one large moon. "Well, I promise, but I have a condition." Ren Tiansheng know to refuse the hopeless, not just this silly Murong deal is definitely not the role they can, even now looks very bad for Helian odd to see the meaning of their words, After the end of today is late strength is measured highly. "I want my wife to stay home a long note." If he disappeared a few days, Sarah is not worried to death strange, Ren Tiansheng do not want to make salsa tears. "I said, any brothers as brothers, women such as the clothes ... ..." Helian Church has not finished, killing two of his eyes moment shines the face, rubbed his nose is very dull. "Please lead the way." Recovery of the vision, the virtual hand Mur
Monday, 1 November 2010
Han brother
However, she can have an urgent matter? Nothing more than trick.Korean Studies drove Marlee food wholesale company, which is a big street shops, upper and lower levels, the former shop library. Almost all of this street of shops, people coming and going every day, bustling, the city most of the food retailers, will come to the Food Street stock.Point of the workers downstairs goods, shippers, cash register, too busy in full swing. Marlee was very leisurely upstairs, she work hard in the years of hard work, she has worked out a successful management experience.Marlee felt as a woman, able to do this business, even very good. She did not broader vision, to use her own words: not corrupt.
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Really old fashioned
I want to introduce you to the people is me.Liu Yan silly, like the stream met the cold eyes, and suddenly froze. She did not think in any case, Lei actually say such a thing.Yan son, last night I stayed up all night, like a lot. I always thought good enough for you, and now I finally figured out that I have hands, I can work, I can create happiness for jimmy choo you. Yan Son, promise me it, be my girlfriend, okay? Liu Yan looked to one side, the nose of a sour, almost crying, she is also an all night marathon of love, make her feel tired ah.
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Friday, 29 October 2010
"you trip with me to study
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